Keeping Your Guests Hydrated (and Happy!) During the Ceremony:

A Guide to Refreshing Your Loved Ones on a Budget

Hey, babes! If you're anything like me, you're all about creating an unforgettable wedding experience that's as Instagrammable as it is meaningful - and that starts with keeping your guests hydrated and happy during the ceremony!

As a celebrant, I've seen it time and time again: guests fainting or feeling unwell during the ceremony due to dehydration.

It's a simple issue to solve, but one that can make a big difference in the comfort and enjoyment of your loved ones. When it comes to planning your special day, it's the little details that count.

Thinking about the comfort of those you love shows that you care about their well-being and want to make sure they feel special too.

Should I give my guests drinks?

Absolutely! Offering drinks to your guests is a thoughtful and considerate gesture that shows you care about their well-being. It's especially important during outdoor ceremonies or in warm weather.

What kind of drinks? Opt for refreshing drinks that are easy to consume during the ceremony.

Water - just a bottle in an ice bin, or make it fancy with slices of lemon, lime, or cucumber
Iced tea or herbal tea
Fresh fruit infused water
Sparkling water with a splash of juice (like pineapple or grapefruit)

Champagne or prosecco
Signature cocktails (like a summer spritz or mojito)
Beer or cider
And, if you really want to "Ice" your guests (yes, it's a thing!), consider offering a cold beer or shot of their favorite liquor to get the party started!

How can I do it on a budget?

Offering drinks to your guests doesn't have to break the bank. Here are some budget-friendly ideas:

Use pitchers or jugs instead of individual bottles
Choose affordable options like water, iced tea, or beer
Consider a DIY drink station with flavoured waters or tea
Keep the drinks simple and avoid fancy or expensive options

Will they be in the photos?

Don't worry, I've got you covered! As your celebrant, I'll make sure to instruct your guests to put their drinks away during the photos.

We'll work together to ensure that your ceremony is not only beautiful but also enjoyable for your guests. By thinking about the little details, like keeping your guests hydrated (and happy!), you're showing them that you care about their comfort and well-being. And that's what makes your special day truly special.

Offering drinks to your guests is a thoughtful gesture that shows you care about their comfort and well-being. With these budget-friendly ideas and tips, you can keep your guests hydrated, happy, and maybe even "Iced"!

I hope you found these tips as refreshing as a cold drink on a hot summer day.

Remember, it's all about the details, baby! Keep your guests hydrated, happy, and ready to party. And always remember, as your favourite celebrant (wink), I'm here to make your special day truly unforgettable. So let's raise a glass (of sparkling water, of course!) to love, laughter, and a celebration that will leave your guests feeling zesty and refreshed!

Cheers, my friends!


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